TAKE THE PLEDGE & WIN!$2 is less than most of us spend on a cup of coffee yet that is what more than 2 billion people around the world must survive on every day.This October you can become
Fairtrade Champion by pledging to spend at least $2 A Day on Fairtrade products for two weeks from October 17-31.By spending at least $2 A Day on Fairtrade coffee, tea, chocolate, hot chocolate, cotton and the many other Fairtrade products available, you will be helping to end poverty by providing developing country farmers, workers and their families with the opportunity to build a better future.This year each person taking the pledge will receive an exclusive Fairtrade Champion's Pack* and will also go into the running to win some great prizes.For more information and to register your pledge visit the
$2 A Day website now!
*Terms & conditions apply (please see
campaign website for full details).
Fairtrade Australia
PO Box 306,
Flinders Lane PO,
VIC 8009