Monday, 7 February 2011

Help your community save money and cut its carbon footprint

There is a new opportunity for you to inspire your community, help reduce their power bills and take action on climate change. All you need to do is promote the NSW Energymark program to your community using a suite of materials available to you now.

NSW Energymark is now recruiting 500 volunteer convenors across metropolitan and regional New South Wales to host small-group discussions that could cut participants' power bills by up to 37 per cent and lighten their carbon footprint by 27 per cent.

What is NSW Energymark?
NSW Energymark is an effective education program initiated by CSIRO and delivered in partnership with the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, that can achieve significant energy, water and waste savings in your community.

Energymark's grassroots, bottom-up approach increases people's understanding of climate change, awareness of energy use and generation, and inspires the adoption and maintenance of habits conducive to a better environment.

How does it work?
The convenors don't need to be experts on the environment to take part. All they need do is gather one small group of 10 family, friends or workmates and host eight kitchen-table discussions on energy, climate change, water and waste. All meeting hosts will be given a range of materials that guide the sessions and receive support from a locally based coordinator.

How you can help
We ask that you promote this opportunity between now and the end of February 2011. To assist you with this, we have prepared a suite of materials for your council to use, including:

  • Web button for your website

  • Brochures – email and print

  • Editorial for your website or newsletters

  • Media release template

  • Advertisements – web and print.

Download promotional materials >

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